Saturday, September 12, 2020

eLearn Responsive Blogger Template

eLearn Responsive Blogger Template
eLearn Responsive Blogger Template

elearn Education Blogger template is the best solution for school, colleges, universities to make their presence on the internet. This template is designed especially for creating and selling courses online. It is powerful, outstanding and most simple to use. The modern edge design with latest web features makes the user experience best than ever. With its latest functionalities users as well as students would be able to facilitate themselves to the best. It is a perfect LMS (Learning management system) for Blogger BlogSpot user.

Features of eLearn Blogger Template:

100% Pure Responsive: Just like our previous released Writer blogger template, this template is also suitable for mobiles, tablets, and any other device. This template supports media queries which helps it to give best result every device.

Carousel Image Slider: Slides creates a lot of difference in the appearance of a website. Just to give the site a touch of professional look we have also added a Image slider that looks really nice on both mobile and web. It is also very simple to customize the slider, for more info please read documentations included with the package.

Mobile Responsive Menu: To keep up with latest standards and increase in the number of mobile users we have also added a mobile responsive menu to guarantee amazing mobile experiance.

Featured Post: To give you a more command over how to show your content, we have also included a list of posts that appears in order with the help of labels. This allows you to feature different kinds of post on homepage.

More Features: Related Posts, Full Width Layout, One Page Template, 4 Column footer, Drop down menu, About the author, blue and black color scheme, and much more

We are hoping this template would be loved by people that are looking forward to start a educational website. You can also customize this multi-purpose template to meet your needs. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Support Languages by BloggerSpotTemplate

Bienvenido a nuestro sitio web BloggerSpotTemplate. Aquí puede descargar muchos tipos de nuevas plantillas de blogger o blogspot que responden de forma gratuita y profesional en 2020. También puede encontrar muchas otras plantillas de respuesta gratuitas para dispositivos móviles con la mejor revista y el mejor estilo.

私たちのウェブサイトBloggerSpotTemplateへようこそ。 ここでは、2020年の新しいトッププロの無料レスポンシブブロガーまたはブログスポットテンプレートの多くのタイプをダウンロードできます。また、最高の雑誌とプレミアムスタイルを備えたモバイル用の他の多くの無料レスポンシブテンプレートを見つけることもできます。

Bahasa Indonesia:
Selamat datang di situs web kami BloggerSpotTemplate. Di sini Anda dapat mengunduh banyak jenis templat blogger atau blogspot responsif baru gratis profesional pada tahun 2020. Anda juga dapat menemukan banyak templat responsif gratis lainnya untuk seluler dengan model majalah dan premium terbaik.

(Demo & Download)

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